Sherry Harris Counselling
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I teach a 5 session Healing Your Inner Child workshop which will teach you how to access your inner child and how to heal him or her. The cost is $225 prior to the classes beginning. Classes will last 2 and 1/2 hours and can be held daytime or evenings for your convenience. Classes are limited to 8 people only guaranteeing each person gets the personal attention they need.
There will be homework and as each class builds on the skills learned in the last class, attendance at all 5 is expected.

I teach a ten session Anger Management class that helps people in a loving way turn aggression into assertion and passivity/depression into a respectful, loving voice free to express its needs, wants and desires. This is a ten hour course with homework and class attendance is mandatory as each session builds on the last. I prefer to do this one-on-one, but I have had some incredible success using this with couples and families who were stuck in aggressive behaviour patterns. The ten session class in $1000 paid in full prior to the class beginning. Couples are discounted to $1500 and families are discounted depending on the number of people in the family. Insurance receipts are available for your benefit package. Whether you have been requested to take Anger Management or are self referred, you will find this class connects you to your wounded inner child. It is this child from age 4-8 who is raging, hurt and out of control. He/she needs love, respect and attention to grow into the balanced adult you wish to be. When the child feels loved, worthy and respected the adult is no longer held hostage by the rampaging child inside.

Self Esteem is another of my favourites. Most often the class is filled with women who have been groomed to be caretakers for everyone and to be selfless. This class teaches us to be self-full and that is not selfish. It is time we made our own well-being a priority. We can not truly love another until we have come into the love we are and share that with ourselves. 5 sessions for $225. Minimum class size is 6, max is 8. Minimum homework is required and classes build on the tools and skills of the previous class so all 5 sessions need to be attended for maximum benefit. or call 613-236-8852